4m pink anti-static LDPE sheeting, 152 LDPE bags, mixed plastic sheeting, packing tape.
20' x 20' x 10'
L.D.P.E. (Lovely, Dreamy, Plastic Experience) Quilt is an exploration in slow-making an inflated space. The installation is a plastic assemblage pieced together from reclaimed plastic sheeting and 152 plastic bags from the Toronto Island community, emerging as an unexpectedly intimate portrait of consumer habits and domestic life. By quilting with plastic scraps and an industrial heat sealer in place of fabric the artists translate historic practices of “making-do” to our current place and time. Similar to a quilt, the work traces the story of its making by highlighting the past lives of its materials. Plastic is rendered precious through the time and attention spent to saving, storing, crafting, seaming, and patching this material together.
Presented at Artscape Gibraltar Point, Wards Island, Toronto, ON.
Thank you Luisa Milan, Niklas Agarwal, and Darren Reinhart, Artscape Gibraltar Point, and the Island community for your generous support and encouragement.